Europe applying pressure to G20 President Abbott on Climate Change

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TonyAbbottEurope is applying pressure on the G20’s President Tony Abbott to include Climate Change in the sherpa meetings and the upcoming November 2014 meeting agenda.

Many scientists, business engineers and corporate researchers agree that Mr. Abbott’s “Direct Action” will not have desired impacts on climate change and does not address any of the key issues in the IPCC, UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Climate change is the defining issue for the coming generation of entrepreneurs and statesman. Even a fraction of a delta in the right direction in climate change will have large impacts on health and global storming. Not a reversal but small mitigations. There is no question that there are season changes, that weather is becoming more harsh, droughts are getting worse and flooding and mudslides are wiping out villages and forrest fires, especially those in Australia are heading in wrong direction. The G20 needs to show that the wealthier countries take this issue as seriously as the many smaller countries are treating climate change.

IPCC said “that environmental effects are ‘pervasive’, however opportunities exist for effective responses.”

We hope that Australian businessman and entrepreneurs see both the moral need to help reduce climate change and the increase in financial opportunities. Australia is rich with abundant resources and with inventive practices could create new industries for future job growth.

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